Mijn Slovenië for local providers:

// Welcome

Mijn Slovenië is the only specialised tour operater for Dutch and Belgians travelling to Slovenia. Our website is the most visited website about Slovenia in Dutch language. Almost every Dutch family going to Slovenia visits our website and also many Belgians.

We offer SMALL SCALE and AUTHENTIC accommodations, things to see and do, transfers and packages. Your offer can be a part of this.

Why joining us?

  • Our existing partners tell us our guests are nice, respectful, simply said good guests.
  • We encourage them to visit the real Slovenia and not just top 3 destinations and attractions.
  • By offering easy to book extra activities at the destination, we are trying to increase the in-destination spending.
  • We take good care of our guests and providers - listen to the needs, being flexible and a reliable partner.

Most of our guests travel around Slovenia and in average they visit 3 destinations. In each destination they stay 3 to 5 days. Except for the cyclers and hikers who move daily, but we try to convince them to travel out of high season.

Get in touch with us and send an email: providers (at) mijnslovenie.com or medeja (at) mijnslovenie.com

// Concept
// Fees and prices
// Cancellation policy
// How the booking works
// Invoices